Cross-Channel Technology Enablement

07:45 - 08:30 Continental Breakfast & Registration In The Solutions Zone

Terry Redding, Vice President of Marketing and Product Development at CFI Group USA, L.L.C.

Terry Redding

Vice President of Marketing and Product Development
CFI Group USA, L.L.C.

08:45 - 09:05 Revolutionizing the Store Experience

While the online shopping experience has leaped forward across the board, new-and-improved digital models have left the traditional store experience holding on to 20th century shopping habits: walking miles through cluttered stores, digging through piles of merchandise and waiting in long checkout lines. Hointer Founder and CEO, Nadia Shourabora explains why bricks-and-mortar retailers must shift gears and bring the in-store experience into the 21st century. With new innovations in-store, Nadia argues we will surpass the high bar for experience set by online retailers, by engaging all of a customer’s senses and imagination.
Nadia Shouraboura, CEO at Hointer

Nadia Shouraboura


09:05 - 09:25 Case Study: Reimagining the In-Store Retail Experience for Men

Why don't many men enjoy shopping as much as women? How can stores be redesigned to attract and engage male shoppers? Is it possible to make men not just tolerate, but enjoy shopping in stores? These are the questions we've asked as an online menswear company that is seeking to establish a brick & mortar presence throughout the United States. This session will discuss how Combatant Gentlemen has coordinated its supply chain, CRM, digital properties, and pop-up shops to create a uniform customer experience that translates seamlessly across online and offline channels. The session will draw on research in consumer psychology to explain the shortfalls of current store designs with regards to engaging male shoppers, and also discusses innovative technologies that may hold the key to making shopping more enjoyable for men and women alike.
  • Research from the fields of anthropology and consumer psychology explain why so many men dislike shopping
  • An overview of different approaches to pop-up shops, guide shops, and showrooms
  • Lessons learned from integrating online and offline channels
  • How technology and service can go hand in hand to create a new kind of retail experience tailored for men

Hafez Adel, Director Of Inbound Marketing at Combatant Gentlemen

Hafez Adel

Director Of Inbound Marketing
Combatant Gentlemen

09:25 - 09:45 Insights Radar – Harnessing Powerful Insights From Your Front Line Employees

Few companies would argue that employees have tremendous knowledge about their customers and their competitors. Yet few companies take the time to truly listen to employees all of the time. Sending out surveys is episodic listening at best and doesn’t provide the real-time insights that enable companies to be fast, flexible, agile and aware. Your employees are an asset that you have already paid for and they can provide some of the best customer and competitive information available. In this session Frontline Insights will discuss some opportunities organizations have to leverage the power of their employee’s voice.

• This session will focus on the people, process, and technology to
gather real-time insights from employees
• Learn about the 7 Deadly Sins of typical VOE programs
• Taking a closer look at the proven scalability approach
• Assess how to turn insights into action
Steve Wallin, Managing Partner and Co-Founder at Frontline Insights

Steve Wallin

Managing Partner and Co-Founder
Frontline Insights

Bill Hoffman, Managing Partner & Co-Founder at Frontline Insights

Bill Hoffman

Managing Partner & Co-Founder
Frontline Insights

09:45 - 10:05 Utilizing Mobile Technology More Effectively In Store

Your customers shouldn’t be the only ones thinking that using mobile technology in-store enhances the shopping experience. Have you figured out yet that it can benefit both you and your customer? This must-attend session will shed light on why you want your customers to utilize mobile technology while shopping your store.

• Determining methods to use mobile technology smartly inside of
the physical store environment
• Coming to terms with showrooming as part of the new behavior
• Strategies to compete and succeed in a multi-channel
• Empowering the salesforce via mobile advancements to have
more access to information than shoppers
Nikki Baird, Managing Partner at Retail System Research

Nikki Baird

Managing Partner
Retail System Research

10:05 - 10:45 Morning Networking & Refreshment Break In The Solutions Zone

Technology constantly evolves and retailers have to change along with it. What’s next for the brick and mortar? In order to provide new omnichannel experiences for your consumer, you have to stay abreast of the latest technologies. Panelists will share their ideas of the next game changers, how to stay ahead of the curve and being positioned to lead the pack.

• Navigating the latest trends to find what best suits your brick
and mortar
• Early adopters get the worm: preparing the organization for
• The inside scoop: what are retailers doing to transform the
• Technology on the horizon—what’s next?
Adam Toporek, Customer Experience Strategist at CTS Service Solutions

Adam Toporek

Customer Experience Strategist
CTS Service Solutions

Hafez Adel, Director Of Inbound Marketing at Combatant Gentlemen

Hafez Adel

Director Of Inbound Marketing
Combatant Gentlemen

Nadia Shouraboura, CEO at Hointer

Nadia Shouraboura


When consumers have the latest technology available at their fingertips, oftentimes they know more about products and prices than the associates working in-store. Retailers that have taken the initiative to incorporate disruptive technology into the brick and mortar are providing customers with the experience they desire and engaging them in innovative ways. Our insightful panel will address the importance of being savvier than your customers to truly provide a unique experience.

• Adopting disruptive technology to accommodate smarter, more
digitally advanced consumers
• Debating the merits of incremental innovation vs. a disruptive
• Appraising what disruptive innovation means for your business:
physically changing the flow of the store, the entire
infrastructure, etc.?
• Incorporating innovative start-ups and technology to help disrupt
the business
Mike Wittenstein, Lead Retail Experience Designer and Managing Partner at Storyminers

Mike Wittenstein

Lead Retail Experience Designer and Managing Partner

Angela Gearhart, Sr. Director In Store Experience at Sleep Number Stores

Angela Gearhart

Sr. Director In Store Experience
Sleep Number Stores

Todd Brink, E-Commerce Product Manager at HH Gregg

Todd Brink

E-Commerce Product Manager
HH Gregg

Chad Rodriguez, Head of Development/Partnerships at Sonic Notify

Chad Rodriguez

Head of Development/Partnerships
Sonic Notify

12:05 - 12:15 Blink To Buy: The Practical Future Of Wearable Retail Apps

Dr. Samuel Mueller, CEO and Co-Founder at Scandit

Dr. Samuel Mueller

CEO and Co-Founder

12:15 - 13:15 Luncheon For All Attendees

13:15 - 13:35 Ups & Downs Of Injecting Digital Into Retail

Marc Fecker, Vice President, Innovation at FordDirect

Marc Fecker

Vice President, Innovation

Without customer loyalty what do you have? The answer is simple, not much. As retailers seek to engage consumers in new and exciting ways, it is easy to forget to take cues from your shoppers. In an age where it’s natural to want to follow the leader, this panel will remind you to let your customer be your guide. Find out methods for improving customer engagement and experience, and how to create an unbreakable link to loyalty.

• Employing next generation customer analytics to discern shopper
• Providing a matchless customer experience through superior
supply chain and inventory management, POS and digital
• Crafting quicker and easier in-store customer transactions
• Back to basics: deriving loyalty from customer service and an
engaging customer experience
Jeremy York, Principal Data Scientist at RichRelevance

Jeremy York

Principal Data Scientist

Rick Castanho, Customer Experience Architecture & Engagement at Lowe’s Companies, Inc.

Rick Castanho

Customer Experience Architecture & Engagement
Lowe’s Companies, Inc.

Eric Buckner, Sr. Product Manager – Mobile at Sears and Kmart Mobile

Eric Buckner

Sr. Product Manager – Mobile
Sears and Kmart Mobile

Sanjeev Sularia, CEO & Co-founder at IntelligenceNODE

Sanjeev Sularia

CEO & Co-founder

14:20 - 14:40 OneSight: A Scrappy Approach To Omni-Channel And Love

How can 48 people accomplish in a few weeks what retailers only dream? Hint, they ignore obstacles, invent new rules and embrace change. OneSight is an independent nonprofit providing access to quality eye care and eyewear in underserved communities worldwide. Since 1988, OneSight has helped more than 8.5 million people in 40 countries. During this insightful session, find out how OneSight, with founding global sponsor Luxottica, leverages technology across channels to support all aspects of a complex sophisticated model resulting in an emotional branded experience.

  • Discovering innovation outside the typical categories
  • Leveraging technology across channels - including SAP to Facebook
  • Recent technology supported model advancement
  • Connecting the passion of the people, streamlining the logistics of the services & distribution, facilitating training & communication of the team

Bink Zengel, VP & Creative Director, Strategic Environments at Luxottica North America

Bink Zengel

VP & Creative Director, Strategic Environments
Luxottica North America

14:40 - 15:20 Afternoon Networking & Refreshment Break In The Solutions Zone

15:20 - 16:00 Interactive Work Groups: Customer Experience Unwrapped

Partner with your peers during these interactive work groups to reimagine the in-store customer experience. Attendees will utilize actual customer experience scenarios to formulate strategies and take-aways for the future store.

16:00 - 17:00 Interactive Roundtable Discussions

Engage in timely & lively discussions with members of the Retail Community. Receive invaluable strategies, solutions and take-aways for your most pressing brick and mortar challenges.

17:00 - 23:59 End of Future Stores