Nadia Shouraboura, CEO at Hointer

Nadia Shouraboura


Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Nadia.

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Cross-Channel Technology Enablement

Friday, January 6th, 2017

08:45 Revolutionizing the Store Experience

While the online shopping experience has leaped forward across the board, new-and-improved digital models have left the traditional store experience holding on to 20th century shopping habits: walking miles through cluttered stores, digging through piles of merchandise and waiting in long checkout lines. Hointer Founder and CEO, Nadia Shourabora explains why bricks-and-mortar retailers must shift gears and bring the in-store experience into the 21st century. With new innovations in-store, Nadia argues we will surpass the high bar for experience set by online retailers, by engaging all of a customer’s senses and imagination.

10:45 Panel Discussion: Discovering The Next Game Changers For The Brick and Mortar

Technology constantly evolves and retailers have to change along with it. What’s next for the brick and mortar? In order to provide new omnichannel experiences for your consumer, you have to stay abreast of the latest technologies. Panelists will share their ideas of the next game changers, how to stay ahead of the curve and being positioned to lead the pack.

• Navigating the latest trends to find what best suits your brick
and mortar
• Early adopters get the worm: preparing the organization for
• The inside scoop: what are retailers doing to transform the
• Technology on the horizon—what’s next?